

网易彩票下载 offers specialized faculty advising in the 学前健康科学专业 (产后大出血) to help prepare you for acceptance into graduate-level professional health programs 包括 医学, 整骨疗法的医学, 牙科, 兽医, 医生助理, 验光, 药店, 物理治疗和职业治疗.

A career in the health sciences involves both a strong science preparation and a strong foundation in liberal arts. Medicine is a healing art that requires significant skills in human interaction and understanding. Patients are best served by practitioners who are well-grounded in the liberal arts, 人文科学, 纯科学.

Any major is acceptable preparation as long as the minimum professional school admission requirements are met. Regardless, a strong undergraduate program in the sciences is required.

Your advisor will help you plan an individually appropriate and competitive academic plan throughout your undergraduate years.


Success in pursuing a career in health sciences and gaining acceptance to a professional graduate program demands constant self-assessment complemented by mentoring by knowledgeable faculty and clinical professionals.



  • When you express interest in one of the 产后大出血 related careers you will be provided specialized advising from the day you register for your first classes until you are accepted for admission into these competitive programs.
  • 产后大出血建议被纳入课程. You will take 产后大出血 1200 “Introduction to 健康 Professions” and 产后大出血 1800 “健康 Care Career Seminar” in your first and second years. The 产后大出血 director teaches these courses and provides group advising to 产后大出血 students during their first two years at SPU.


At the end of your second year, you may formally 申请产后大出血计划.

  • 申请程序是必需的 学生追求的职业生涯在 医学, 牙科, 兽医.
  • Students interested in other health-related careers, 包括 医师助理, 验光, 物理治疗,并鼓励其他人申请.
  • Admission requires passing grades in 产后大出血 1200 and 产后大出血 1800, strong grades in the sciences, an overall SPU minimum 3.0的绩点, significant evidence of participation in both clinical and community job shadowing and volunteer experiences.
  • 你必须 申请产后大出血计划 在线.

As a successful applicant, you will be provided with:

  • 由产后大出血教员提供个人建议 who will serve as your committee lead when required.
  • 参与资格 在公共卫生服务委员会面试系统.
  • 协助提交委员会信函 to AMCAS and other admission portals for the health sciences.


All students pursuing admission to graduate programs in 医学, 牙科, 兽医 are required to utilize the 产后大出血 committee interview system when requesting letters in support of their applications to professional schools. This system ensures that your application is nationally competitive.

  • 在参与该计划时, you will enroll in 产后大出血 3400 “Application workshop” where you will learn specific interview skills that will help you prepare for the application process.
  • 一个由三人组成的教员委员会 will interview you at the end of your junior or senior year and write a comprehensive recommendation letter.
  • This letter describes your academic, clinical, personal potential for success 在一个专业项目中, while also summarizing your outside letters of recommendation and the results of the interview.
  • 这些信件受到高度尊重 by professional schools, many of which require them before considering students for admission.


  • 了解 你希望进入的领域. Take 产后大出血 classes and start learning about school requirements and the profession.
  • 志愿者 in a health-related setting and job shadow health professionals during your first two to three years of college. Contacts with health professionals can be made individually and through the SPU导师计划.
  • 成功 在你富有挑战性的学术课程中.
  • 参与 在领导和服务项目.
  • 申请入学 to the SPU 产后大出血 program at the end of your second year at SPU.
  • 采取适当的 standardized test in the spring prior to your school application year (or earlier). Generally, programs that require the GRE need a late summer or early fall test date. Do not submit primary applications without knowing your test scores.
  • 提交你的主要申请 as soon as the application cycle opens in the early summer of your application year.
  • 完成二次应用 as soon as possible in the months that follow primary application submission. Arrange interviews during the fall and winter of the application year.
  • 参加你选择的研究生院 让SPU引以为豪. 志愿者 to share your experiences with SPU students interested in your field.


    Review the specific requirements for your chosen program:






    Follow these checklists to ensure that preparation to your next steps run smoothly:



    Your pre-professional coordinator and faculty advisors attend annual meetings of the National Association of Advisors for the 健康 Professions.

    They also meet with admissions counselors and deans from professional schools to ensure that you are competitive for these professional programs.