
SPU欢迎国际学生申请, 和 values the opportunity to provide educational opportunities for qualified students from a variety of cultural backgrounds. SPU also seeks to admit students who would most benefit from the distinctives of the institution. 

International students are non-immigrants to the United States 和 are here on a temporary U.S. 签证. U.S. 公民, 永久居民, 入籍公民不被视为国际学生, 即使他们住在美国以外的地方.S.


If you completed college or university-level coursework from institution(s) outside the U.S., you must have your college or university transcripts evaluated by a professional credential evaluation service.

SPU accepts professional credential evaluations from agencies recognized by NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services), 如 世界教育服务国际服务基金会.

学生 谁在美国以外上的高中.S. 和加拿大可能会获奖 外部考试的学分 高级高中作业 相当于a 十三年. 授予学分的决定取决于 考试成绩和将要求教师审查课程教学大纲和 主题了. SPU需要官方认证的副本 考试成绩显示每个考试科目的分数,并附有官方说明 英语 翻译.  所有测试项目的总学分不能超过45个学分.


Successful applicants who have completed their secondary education outside the U.S. 通常呈现的平均绩点相当于美国.S. 3.0(“B”)或更高. 转学申请者应至少具有相当于美国大学的学位.S. 2.5 college-level transfer GPA to be successful in their application for transfer admission to SPU.


所有持签证在西雅图州立大学学习的学生, 还有无证学生, are required to enroll in the University student medical insurance plan year-round (including vacation periods). Exceptions to this policy require documentation of a comparable health care plan. 豁免只能在 卫生服务 并且必须在这个季度的第五天完成. 学生 have not received a waiver automatically will be charged the health insurance premium fee. Though health insurance for students' dependents is not required, it is strongly recommended. 


Non-matriculated students (those who have not been formally admitted to the University) are expected to submit an acceptable official 英语 proficiency test score (refer to the “英语 Language Proficiency” information below) to Student Academic Services, 并且必须在注册时支付课程费用. 除了, non-matriculated students are required to submit required government documentation to the International Student Records 办公室 no later than the first day of the quarter.

Undergraduate international students may take no more than 45 quarter credits toward a degree without being formally admitted to 网易彩票下载, 本科以上的学生最多只能修15个学分. 


  • 完成通用申请 一年级 or 转移 应用程序, 包括SPU成员部分, 和 submit it to 本科招生 along with the $50 nonrefundable application fee.
  • SPU需要经过认证的官方成绩单 和 (when you have completed a degree) diplomas or leaving certificates from all secondary schools, 大学, 上过大学. All documents must have the official stamp or seal from the issuing institution 和 must be sent directly by the school or authority (depending on the country) to SPU in a sealed envelope. Documents must be in 英语 or accompanied by official 英语 翻译s. Applicants should consult with 招生 staff for information about the required documents 和 procedures for their specific country. 学生, 在申请时, have completed more than 45 university-level/transferable quarter credits or 30 transferable semester units after completing secondary school are not required to submit secondary school records.
  • SPU does not require financial documentation as part of the application process. 然而, if you are offered admission 和 to satisfy 签证-application requirements, you will be required to document adequate funds to cover your educational 和 living expenses for your intended period of study at SPU. 注意: While international students are eligible to be awarded SPU merit scholarships, 联邦财政援助只适用于美国公民.S. 公民及永久居民.
  • International students are not required to submit scores from SAT/ACT 考试s. 然而, scores do enhance an application 和 students presenting sufficiently high reading 和 writing scores may be exempted from the 英语 proficiency test requirement.


If you are a non-native 英语 speaker,* you must demonstrate 英语 proficiency. 你可以通过几种方式来实现:

  • 参加托福(TOEFL)考试. The required minimum score is 79 on the Internet-based test (iBT) or 550 on the paper-based test (pBT).
  • 参加国际英语语言测试系统(IELTS) 考试. 最低分数要求是总分6分.5.
  • 参加培生学术英语考试(PTE). 最低分数是56分.
  • 以日语为母语的人可以参加 EIKEN考试. SPU的成绩要求是1级或更高.

The 英语 proficiency test requirement will be waived for the following applicants:

  • 完成ESL课程的学生 在文化交流协会(ACE)语言学院学习, 就在西雅图商业大学校园附近, 或华盛顿语言学院(WAL), 附近. 学生 must receive a full recommendation from ACE or WAL for admission to the University. 学生 receive a full recommendation are not required to submit a proficiency test score.
  • Post-baccalaureate applicants who earned a bachelor’s degree or higher at a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S., or recognized university in Australia, Canada, 英国, 爱尔兰, or 新西兰.

*SPU considers an international student to be a native 英语 speaker if both their primary 和 secondary education took place in Australia, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 或者是美国.S. (波多黎各除外).


All students attending SPU on a 签证 are required to attend international student 取向. 这 取向 is typically held the week prior to the beginning of the new quarter. 新生将会收到通知 通过SPU的电子邮件通知这次培训的日期和时间.

Undergraduate International students new to SPU are required to attend the all-student 取向 in addition to international student 取向. Information will be provided to new students by the 办公室 of 学生参与及领导 regarding the date, time, 和 全学生迎新会的位置.