数学 Careers

What kind of future employment opens up for math students? Our faculty will ask, “What kind doesn’t?”

只是 问问塔拉·沃克. Although she now works for Starbucks, she graduated with a Math degree and stepped right into a role at Tableau Software as a data analyst, where she became a master of using Tableau to tell data-driven narratives and led training on how to use Tableau for new users. (Look back at Tara’s SPU experience in this “My World” video.)

A variety of careers

While Alex Eklund ’09 majored in math at SPU, he was already eager to teach what he was learning. “对我来说, math is something that teaches me about the order that surrounds us as humans in our everyday lives,他说. “I am really excited to teach my students how all of math, from the formulas to how math has developed itself, points to an underlying purpose in the world we live in.”

Math teaches you skills in high demand with employers:

  • How to think critically about various situations and absorb new contexts quickly.
  • How to analyze information in a logical way and communicate the results clearly and precisely.
  • How to fight and overcome struggles, persevering until you’ve found a solution.

While many math majors go into teaching, other SPU math graduates go into a variety of other fields. Some do computational math work for banks and other financial institutions. Some work for Boeing, others for insurance companies. Many have gone on to graduate school or law school — even Harvard 法律 School.

In this digital age, a 数学 degree supplemented with computer programming skills makes you an extremely valuable employee. SPU offers an Applied 数学 major with an emphasis in computational mathematics. 

Here are just some of the possible careers you might pursue:

  • Teaching (at all levels)
  • 研究
  • 保险精算学
  • 数据分析
  • Statistical consulting
  • 商业咨询
  • 会计
  • 企业管理
  • Investment analysis
  • 法律
  • 生物统计学
  • 物理治疗
  • Marketing and sales consulting

Discover more of the career options that have opened for SPU 数学 alumni.

保罗·马赫 used his Applied 数学 degree to track and analyze millions of bike rides. Now he’s technical lead for research and development.

阿曼达·约翰逊’s internship transitioned into a full-time position in the health care industry, where she’s now making an impact on countless individuals.

芬斯特拉Gerrit was undecided on a major until SPU faculty members helped him connect his passion with his career goals.

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