网易彩票app the 数学 Department

Since its establishment in the 1915, the 数学 Department at 西雅图 Pacific University has provided students with instruction that enables them to graduate with the competence in the mathematics required for their chosen fields, as well as to share their expertise with the community through service and leadership.


The SPU 数学 Department offers three degree paths from which to choose: the 数学学士, 数学学士,和 BS in Applied 数学. If you plan to teach elementary school (K–8), you will major in 综合研究 with a concentration in mathematics.

Once you choose your path, you will take core courses and electives that explore the wide expanse of mathematics, preparing you for your future career, whether you plan to teach in a classroom, 读研究生, 专注于研究, or enter a business field.


In addition to learning and growing as mathematicians, 数学 majors have an opportunity to compete in the COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM). In this international competition, three-student teams compete in an intense 96-hour contest, each using math to address real-world issues. Participating students find they have impressive résumé additions that get them noticed when applying for internships and jobs.

Recent teams of SPU Math majors have worked on everything from the optimal size for brownie pans 如何有效地 分发疫苗 in a developing nation. And SPU students’ teamwork and creativity have repeatedly placed SPU teams in the top 20 percent.

General Education requirements in mathematics

To fulfill the University’s graduation requirements, all students are required to complete a general education quantitative reasoning requirement as a part of the Exploratory 课程. 通过他们的 WKQR课程, students will learn to reason abstractly and deductively, understand and analyze data, and become fluent in quantitative problem-solving.

Students in WKQR课程 should:

  • 开发能力 in meaningful ideas of mathematics, including deductive reasoning, quantitatively-oriented problem-solving, 以及数据分析.
  • Develop an appreciation for and an ability to use quantitative methods as a powerful means for problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Increase the quantitative and logical reasoning abilities needed for a liberal arts education, the workplace, and informed citizenship.

All of the courses that fulfill this requirement are college-level mathematics courses that require a certain level of mastery of basic mathematical skills as a prerequisite. 看到 数学的位置 for more information about the prerequisites for these courses. Find out more about the WKQR requirement and other General Education requirements in 西雅图 Pacific’s Undergraduate Catalog.


The 数学 Department at 西雅图 Pacific University seeks to provide excellent instruction to enable our students to become competent in the mathematics required for their chosen fields, and to share our expertise with the community through service and leadership.

Student Financial Services

Financing your education

西雅图 Pacific helped award over $100 million in financial aid for 2015–16. 看到 how we can design a financial aid package for you.