Seattle Pacific Seminary

Seminary students
你想让你的研究生学习不仅影响你的思想,还影响你的心吗? 在西雅图太平洋神学院, 你将加入一个学习团契, discipleship, worship, and mission. 你的神学研究可以蓬勃发展. 网易彩票app有一种独特的神学教育模式Academy, Abbey, Apostolate®,“SPS将装备你在21世纪的事工.

As an SPS student, 你可以选择神学硕士(MDiv), 神学文学硕士学位, 以及基督教研究的研究生证书. 每个人都支持SPU的愿景,以耶稣基督的转变福音参与文化和改变世界. 


Master’s degree programs


    Certification program

    Dual Degrees


    • 商业和神学双学位课程 include MBA (Social and Sustainable Enterprise) / MA in Theology (Theological Integration); MBA (Social and Sustainable Enterprise) / Master of Divinity; MA in Management (Faith and Business) / MA in Theology (Theological Integration)
    • 婚姻与家庭治疗和神学双学位课程 include MS in Marriage and Family Therapy / MA in Theology (Theological Integration); MS in Marriage and Family Therapy / Master of Divinity.
    • 美术硕士和神学双学位课程 include MFA in Creative Writing / Master of Divinity; MFA in Creative Writing / MA in Theology (Theological Integration).


神学院的课程符合宗派任命的教育要求, 哪些是不受任何州监管的, 由于美国宪法第一修正案.S. Constitution.

The master of divinity (MDiv) degree provides the education necessary for ordination in several Christian denominations: the Free Methodist Church; the United Methodist Church; the Presbyterian Church in the USA; and others. 这些任命要求不因州而异,只因教派而异.